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WordPress Plugin: BuyItNow Buttons
Paypal Merchant Services
Originally created for the eBay auction community, Paypal now provides payment solutions for all online merchants alike.
more info regarding: "Paypal Merchant"
Secure Online Retailing
Selling online (eCommerce), is the act buying something, or in the case of merchants, providing a secure sales platform, on the Internet.
more info regarding: "eCom: Secure Payments"
Money Transmission
A money transmitter or money transfer service is a business entity that provides money transfer services or payment instruments.
more info regarding: "Money Transmitter"
PayPal 'Buy Now' Buttons for Wordpress
The ‘BuyItNow Advanced’ Wordpress plugin, by VPS-NET, allows you to append PayPal buttons unto posts, articles, menus and virtually anywhere desired, using nothing but short codes. BuyItNow Advanced is an integrated sales platform complete with payment lifecycle initialization and monitoring capabilities, along with digital or shipped product delivery functionality. BuyItNow Advanced also has cancellation, refund and tracking order information along with the uniquely cool 'digital media locker' functionality, which further enhances your online sales platform capabilities. Click any of the tabs below for in-depth technical and functional explanation:
Electronic Commerce (Reference)

Wordpress Plugin: WP-BuyItNow Advanced

WP-BuyItNow Advanced plug-in allows a Wordpress administrator to append PayPal 'Buy It Now' buttons unto posts, articles, menus and virtually anywhere desired, using short codes. WP-BuyItNow Advanced is an integrated Sales Platform with complete Payment Lifecycle Initialization and Monitoring along with Digital or Shipped Product Delivery functionality. WP-BuyItNow Advanced also has Order Cancellation, Refund and Tracking along with the uniquely cool 'Digital Media Locker' functionality to enhance your online sales platform capabilities. There are many other options, variables and features which make quick deployment a real possibility, since you're working with very minimal integration times along with the least possible amount of technical requirements on the server, host and the end-user level.

WP-BuyItNow Advanced is a smart digital content sales and payment solution for Webmasters, blog administrators and general WordPress designers and developers alike. Perfect for website business models that can utilize a quick and easy way to sell products be they digital or consumables, securely and effectively on their WordPress powered site with the least possible amount of requirements to get up and running.

Entry Level eCommerce Sales Platform

Need a simple e-commerce solution to sell your products online, but don't want to pay over $160 to develop an online shopping cart? Get your WP-BuyItNow quick and simple point of sale solution; it has a ton of the same functionality you'll get from a paid SSL-based shopping cart, without the headaches or financial overhead to have to contend with year-after-year. With WP-BuyItNow, your payment processor accounts are FREE, no monthly service charges and no setup fees!

PayPal will process payments and maintain your sales history without a penny out of your pocket. And, since you won't have to pay for SSL (HTTPS) setup or yearly SSL certificate fees, you'll get your virtual store online in days and way under budget, with a ton of flexibility and a myriad of powerful features. Nope, SSL is not needed to use WP-BuyItNow, but works perfectly if you do indeed have an SSL certificate and plan to use WP-BuyItNow in conjunction with an HTTPS server. You can sell stock photos and video or photography, music, video, scripts, programs, websites and virtually any digital media you wish, along with shipped (tangible) consumer goods to the entire world! So, why not get some inventory and start listing and ready to sell products with your new or upcoming Wordpress site!

Quick Deployment Examples

We have live examples for you to try and review, this way you can start planning how to use WP-BuyItNow to quickly add an online product and digital media sales solution. Two live working examples currently exist:
  1. Digital Delivery (Music/Video/Photography/Drive-Space)
    • Digital Media/Content Locker (How-to: Secure and Sell Access to Media)
  2. Consumable (Shipped Products)
    • Setup Posts as Products (Example WordPress Layout)
Custom adaptation for your website, app, blog or general Wordpress deployment is available at a nominal cost, just contact VPS-NET; we can get you in contact with a professional developer to get you going.

Q&A (Questions and Answers)

Question 1:
What does the 'Advanced' version of WP-BuyItNow include that the 'Lite' version, available at WordPress.org, doesn't?

'Lite' has:
  • Domestic Shipping (Free/One-Cent/Flat-Rate) [Only One Price/Type Can Be Set Site-Wide]
  • Digital Delivery (Digitally Protected Content)
  • PayPal Ready
  • Quick Configuration and Deployment
'Advanced' has all 'Lite' has, plus:
  • Product Options(Paid and Free Options)
  • Custom Domestic Shipping Rate for each Product using Short Code
  • International Shipping
  • Obfuscated (Tamper Deterrent) HTML
  • BuyItNow Testing Suite for PayPal (Test your custom API and processor callback responses easily and efficiently. Entire order processing life-cycle is testable.)
  • Technical Support (Email)

Question 2:
What does WP-BuyItNow Advanced that other 'Buy Now' type buttons may not have?

For one flexibility, and proven reliability, along with extensive online sales capabilities, especially with the advent of the Digital Locker mechanism. The Digital Locker mechanism allows you sell digital media and content on your WordPress site, while keeping it securely stowed away from prying eyes. Our live digital delivery example websites explain the i.ngen-io.us way of quickly setting up a digitally protected locker to which only a paid user can gain access.

The integration of the BuyItNow purchase monitoring system with PayPal gives you a quick insight on the activity of your store, while giving you access to the digital content unlocking parameters to each and every order, so you can actually verify something works if a user contends otherwise. All in all, our BuyItNow Point-Of-Sale System is quick, efficient, easy-to-use and good for a myriad of uses from online consumer goods stores to online paid data distribution systems. It's all up to your ingenuity to think of a way to use these buttons. And yes, all markup is highly customizable with both 'Lite' and 'Advanced'.
The WP-BuyItNow Plugin is made possible by the following content providers: